SEVERAL POST DOC AND PhD-LEVEL POSITIONS AVAILABLE ! Some are funded through an ERC Starting Grant

PhD LEVEL: DEGREE  IN MATEMATICS/STATISTICS/BIOINFORMATICS with interest in working in biomedical research

POST DOC: PhD in MATEMATICS/STATISTICS/BIOINFORMATICS/GENETICS/GENOMICS/METAGENOMICS or similar topics. Strong quantitative and computational skills requested, any experience with large-scale NGS data will be considered a plus.

Linkedin post with more info on post doc position here



Who am I ? :)

I studied maths during college.. computational algebra, topology, statistics, math applied to physic, story of math(Al-kuwaritzmi was my favourite part!)... a lot of different aspects related to calculations and idea of numbers. But what I regret is that nobody never told me that math and genetics were married (Mathematicians could say: “Nothing can survive without math”, but anyway..).

After I graduated I started to work in a molecular genetic lab, and I was definitely feeling a little “dumb”.. I could not remember the biology stuff I study during the high school.. what the hell is a chromosome? a gene? a nucleotide??? Mitocondrial DNA seemed to me a “bad word”.. Then I started to go deeper and deeper in the field, knowing about statistical genetics: the wedding.

All the theory on statistics, analysis, programming found a reason to exist: we can use all those infinite (but still numerable) formulas to calculate the probability that one particular mutation is associated to a disease. Do that for more than 2million mutation in more than 30 thousand individuals.. I had to forget about using  paper and pen to write calculations..  programming!! If , else, while, and foreach are now included on my vocabulary, as well as SNP, haplotype, copy number variations and many, many others.

I learned how life can change, how we grow studying, how big is the science’s world. I just know a small part of it... if you are curious to know about my research, click on some of the link and ... good luck!!


Follow me on Twitter! Here my page


On a side note, I have also been active in demonstrations against the Italian laws, intended to further reduce money for education and research. Follow the link on the left menu for more information - but be aware it is all in Italian..

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 October 2023 15:05